OJEFA Scholarship Information

OJEFA has awarded the Lindsay Sale-Tinney Award to one aspiring young outdoor communicator between the ages of 12 and 25 each year since 2011 and seeks to increase the number of annual scholarships going forward. Recipients will be assisted in attending one of many conferences, workshops, or trade shows under the tutelage of a partnering industry mentor, and will receive reimbursement of up to $1,000 for travel and incidentals related to the event.

Winners will be able to choose from a pre-approved list of events to attend or they may ask for consideration of something aligned with their specific area of interest. Some examples of both may include:

  • Outdoor Writer Conferences (POMA, OWAA, AGLOW, TOWA, NYSOWA, SCOPe, and more)
  • BASSMASTER Classic
  • Kayak Fishing Championship
  • National shooting competitions
  • Social Media class
  • Video Editing class
  • Wildlife Photography class
  • Becoming An Outdoorswoman weekend seminar
  • In-person Hunter Education class

Application Requirements

In addition to general information and letters of recommendation, each applicant must submit an original, personal story in one of the following categories using the general guidelines below.

Fishing – Your story must be mostly about the fishing experience but may include content about planning, traveling, flats tires and picnics along the way, memories made, and more.

Hunting – Your story must be mostly about the hunting experience but may include content about planning, traveling, flats tires and picnics along the way, memories made, and more.

Non-consumptive traditional outdoor recreation (camping, hiking, paddling, wildlife watching) – Your story may contain mentions of fishing or hunting but must be mostly about non-consumptive outdoor activities like the aforementioned.

SCWA Camp Experience – This category is limited to those who have attended Camp Woodie and/or Camp Leopold. Your story should include something about the activities and sessions you enjoyed and how the experience made you feel in terms of learning more and about getting outdoors in the future. The winning story in the SCWA Camp Experience category will be published in South Carolina Wildlife Magazine!

General Submission Entry Rules

By submitting a story with the application, entrants agree and confirm to give OJEFA permission to use their entry in publicizing the contest via the OJEFA website, OJEFA e-mail blasts, and/or one appearance in a local, state, regional, or national publication and corresponding website within one year of the contest deadline. If such an entry is used by OJEFA in this manner, no royalties or payments are offered by OJEFA and entrants waive such payments.

Entries will be judged by a panel of qualified outdoor journalists and/or educators using the following criteria:

(1) Originality – The entry should be original in its presentation of its ideas and events.

(2) Clarity – The entry should be presented clearly and logically so as to be readily understandable to its audience.

(3) Impact – The entry should affect its audience in some way, either by educating, inspiring, or moving them in some fashion.

(4) Mechanics – The entry should be free of fundamental grammatical and/or technical errors.

Applications for all awards are made through the application form below.

View Past Winners

Additional Details / Consent Requirements

Applications will be accepted through January 31, 2024, for events in 2024.

Please read the details below before completing the application.

Scholarship Recipients and their parents/legal guardians must agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • agree to travel to the agree-upon scholarship event
  • accept the guidance of assigned mentors
  • take part in a feedback session to answer questions from a pre-determined panel of OJEFA officials
  • conduct themselves in a professional, legal, and courteous manner while attending an event as the Lindsay Sale-Tinney scholarship recipient
  • minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at his or her own expense.

Questions should be addressed to Lisa Snuggs at the OJFEA office via e-mail at lisa@ojefa.org or by calling 704-961-7614.